3/4 "pain" och lite jävla diciplin!

18:09  Har precis läst ett så jävla kraftfullt blogg inlägg på "fighterdiet" som p.nordin har skrivit. Den kvinnan alltså, hon har en sån jävla vilja och inställning. Finns det någon person jag skulle kunna få vara av alla på hela jävla jorden, död & levande så är det nog fan henne, Pauline Nordin. Inte bara det att hon har vörldens grymmaste kropp, utan hon har så jävla mycket bakom pannbenet. Nej, nu ikväll så har jag blivit berörd. Imorgon, då börjar mitt nya liv.'

Här följer inlägget som påverkade mig så jävla mycket, tro mig det är jävligt värt att läsa!!

"Pain is not suffering, pain is an overpass leading to greater achievements.  Discipline is mental toughening. Yes, it can be painful. But it’s a good kind of pain. It’s the “how much you want it” question. How well you tolerate whatever pain you are sensing is a sign of how great your desire is to reach your goals.

Sacrificing for a higher cause is required when you want to perfect your physique. In doing it you improve your mental strength and patience. Nobody gets anywhere by being impatient. You need to be wise, use your intelligence.

Don’t be afraid of pain. It’s just a feeling. How you respond to the feeling is what makes you a winner or a failure. You can control it by embracing it. Don’t try to stay way from it because then you miss that overpass. There are no shortcuts. You need to travel the long road.

Pain is the barrier you must break through to get over your plateaus. It’s very powerful that barrier, it efficiently keeps the non-determined individuals knocking on the door. You cannot doubt, you cannot question, you cannot ask why, why, why would YOU make it. You will make it because you are set on it.

When you have your mind focused straight ahead, forward, somewhere in the horizon, you are up for victory. Do not let your mind doubt you. There is nothing, nothing, NOTHING but YOU which can stop you or hold you back. It’s all about your control.

Pain is positive. It is a sign you are on the way. If you were not trying and pushing you would not feel it. You would be in comfort zone.

When you feel the struggle coming, do not get scared. Do not panic. See it and recognize it. take up the challenge. If you are up for the challenge you will win it.

Self-doubt takes you nowhere. Everyone else might doubt you. It does not matter. Remember you are in charge of your life, YOU are the center of attention in YOUR life. Create your own movie about your life. How do you want it to end? Think about that and then execute the plan to make it happen."


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